Read or Unhaul 12/24 Books Challenge

We all have books in our physical or digital shelves that aren’t exactly a priority and for that same reason only remain forgotten and unread, year after year, in our shelves.

Since I don’t like unhauling unread books, my idea for this challenge is to try reading around forty pages of 12 or 24 of these books and then decide if I want to continue reading them, or if the book isn’t for me and needs to find a new home.

The rules for this challenge are as follows:

Choose Your Challenge

Normal or Hard Mode (12 or 24 Books)

Normal Mode – Try 40 pages of 12 books which aren’t priority in your TBR, and that you have in your physical or digital shelves. Decide if you want to finish or unhaul them.

Hard Mode – The same with 24 books.

Slow or Fast Mode

Completing the challenge in one year or two.


My Challenge TBR

I’ll be planning twelve books during one year for now.

1. The Red Knight by Miles Cameron.
2. Mr. Darcy’s Diary by Amanda Grange.
3. Blood Engines by Tim Pratt.
4. Bronze Gods by A. A. Aguirre.
5. The Golden Age by John C. Wright.
6. Promise of Blood by Brian McClellan.
7. Lord of Snow and Shadows by Sarah Ash.
8. Prisoner of the Iron Tower by Sarah Ash.
9. Treason Keep by Jennifer Fallon.
10. The Last Namsara by Kristen Ciccarelli.
11. The Wren Hunt by Mary Watson.
12. Enchantée by Gita Trelease.

Any books I should read first, or give up and unhaul? Let me know in the comments!

Author: Leticia Toraci

Artist, Painter, Writer, Indie Author in training and busy Mom

3 thoughts on “Read or Unhaul 12/24 Books Challenge”

  1. This challenge looks like such a good idea! I’ve definitely got a few owned books I should be doing this with, because like you I feel guilty unhauling something without even trying it. There’s a few titles I’ve acquired over the years that I’m not really sure I’ll enjoy, so this seems like the perfect way to find out!

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