Today I’m doing a Booktube Tag called “The Anti TBR Tag” created by Nicole & Her Books

This post is mostly about books I didn’t like and plan to read or finish reading after setting them aside. Therefore, as the creator of the Tag herself says, “if you are sensitive about people saying they won’t read a book you like than this post is not for you.”


A popular book EVERYONE loves that you have no interest in reading?

Altered Carbon (Takeshi Kovacs, #1) by Richard K. Morgan is loved enough that I have seen women getting scolded by men because they ‘dared’ to post a negative review of it. I won’t elaborate on this, I just feel sorry that in 2021 women still get harassed on the internet because they have a opinion about a book. I DNFed and really didn’t like this book and don’t plan to finish it.

A classic book (or author) you don’t have an interest in reading?

Vladimir Nabokov’s Lolita. I saw the film and it was disgusting, so I can take that book out of my TBR list. I don’t have an opinion about his other books, only that I’m in no hurry to read them.

An author whose books you have no interest in reading?

This isn’t actually having no interest, I have tried two of Robert A. Heinlein’s books and his ideas seem interesting, but I can’t get through the blatant misogyny. And there is more than enough of it in the world at the moment so that I have to put up with that in what I read too.

A problematic author whose books you have no interest in reading?

I don’t usually go after information on author’s lives, but I don’t live under a rock either, so I heard about Orson Scott Card issues.
I intend to read no more books from him. It also happens that a long time ago I read Ender’s Game and it was quite boring, and I just managed to finish it because I was in a ship in the middle of the Amazon river and there were no other books around. Not a great loss there.

An author you have read a couple of books from & have decided their books are not for you?

Sarah J. Mass. I read and really liked “A Court of Mist and Fury” but her other books are the kind of bestsellers I read and later feel I just lost a precious time I could be using to read another, much better, book.

A genre you have no interest in OR a genre you tried to get into & couldn’t?

Horror is a genre I now and then try and nine times out of ten get disappointed with. An exception would be Mexican Gothic by Silvia Moreno-Garcia, but I think that was because I considered it more historical fiction than really horror.

I often try to get into Contemporary, Romance or to come back to read Paranormal Fantasy. In the end I often feel I only have myself to blame when I pick again a book by these genres but don’t like them. I still try to get out of my comfort zone of favorite genres often enough tough. Fortunately, now and then I get rewarded, a Paranormal Romance Mystery series I recently liked was the Vampire Knitting Club by Nancy Warren.

A book you have bought but will never read?

I mostly have good intentions of at least trying to read a part of the fiction books in my shelves, but many years ago I picked up a couple of sequels for the series Alpha & Omega by Patricia Briggs in a library sale and don’t intend to read them anymore. I really didn’t like the first book in that series.

A series you have no interest in reading OR a series you started & have DNFed?

Kevin Hearne’s Iron Druid Chronicles, I read the first book in this series and it wasn’t at all for me.

A new release you have no interest in reading?

Any book by these authors I talked about before and also probably books that are in a series that goes beyond ten books. I don’t want to commit to any series that goes for so long, especially if each book is more than five hundred pages long. I’m still in doubt if this means I should not try to continue the Dresden files or even begin Discworld, but let’s see.
And finally, I won’t read the next book in the series “A Song of Ice and Fire” even if it ever gets released. My farewell to this series happened with the very disappointing end of the TV series and then I decided to stop waiting for a sequel that will probably never happen. That series is for me finished. Enough other books to read out there.